Monday, January 28, 2013

USAT level 1 certification

What a weekend!, I found myself in an indoor seclusion for 2 days with lots of lectures and power point presentations of information.  I decided it was time to add a title to the end of my name and make something of myself.  I figured getting MD on the end wouldn't be easy. 

The class started on Friday morning at 7:30 am and went till 9pm. I also added an extra swimming course for my knowledge! As a coach and a person thinking about triathlons, the biggest thing I hear most is that the  SWIM portion is usually the toughest. I decided the more information I obtain on swimming the better I am to help someone with that fear when they come to me for help. 
The certification program was really good and  well taught.  It was amazing to be in a room with so much talent as well as a  wide variety of coaching and triathlon experience.  The course covered everything from nutrition information, work out plans, to techniques in swimming and running forms as well as cycling. 

Day two went as smooth as day one, thankfully not as long though.  my brain was packed, the info was good and the ideas were already starting to form for my future and how I wanted to take my coaching to the next level.  Information is basic we all know this, but its how we take the information learned and how we use it that makes us different then "basic."  in short I met a lot of amazing people in that room for those two days and I was happy to see that their is other people out there who care about helping others take it to the next level as much as I do. 

So what did I do today back in Training! Swim and I even used my new techniques from the fixed form swim class.  We are our own "experiment" and must practice with ourselves before we can teach others. Today's Swim set was: 300 warm up 
                                                                12x25 on 30 sec rest.,
                                                                3x300 pull 20 sec rest,
                                                                200 cool down= 1700
2 months and some odd days till First Tri of 2013

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