Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Runnin my CITy#ATL

I peeked through the covers this morning when the alarm went off hoping for the day to be gloomy enough to put off my run... The gloom was there, but the Temperature was PERFECT!  I rolled out of my house excited to run in the 56 degree weather.  Today's training plan was a 60 Min run.  I took it nice and easy shooting for my reboot pace of 7:44 or better.  I like to try and hold this pace for when i start to do sprints i can shoot for faster times.  It does have it disadvantages, such as traffic lights and unknown vehicles pulling out in front of you. The city was alive, the traffic was moving and the pedestrians were walking.  I was always enjoy the out and back route i do in my area.  It is basically a steady straight shot into the downtown area and back into the west side where i live.  So much to see on my run that always keep me entertained.  Every landmark in the downtown area is a sight to see on the route i take.
I'm still getting my miles in and feeling the fight for some of them.  Getting back into the routine isn't always easy, but you have to keep setting the goal and hitting the mark. Today was a good day, I'm glad i made the most of the morning and started it off right.


                                                 CHOCOLATE KIWI POPSICLES



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