Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Take it to the Club!.. (Song on my mind)

 I just got back from one of those Bomb Diggity Spin classes again! So, I didn't like the issues my bike was making during my ride with my Friends this weekend so i decided to hop in on another 915am class. I'm so happy i did Luck so be it, the Instructor from last week was there today Sub'n for another instructor.

I'm gonna put this out now and say her class is worth it.  I'm speaking from the endurance side of fitness and just my own opinion.  Her name is Tuesday (I'm serious) and she teaches on Thursdays @ 9;15am and 6:15pm at LA Fitness Midtown II and also on Saturday's at 10:30am and Sundays at 9:15am.  Her music selection great, with lots of top 40 music with great beats to peddle too.  She is so pumped an motivated and really makes me push myself harder then i would at home on my trainer.  She is well worth the add to the mix in my triathlon training for once maybe twice a week.  I would like to try one of her Saturday's classes, which she says are more intenece then her midweek classes (kinda scared) but in the long run i can see that endurance and fitness wise, Its is going to be well worth the the sweat, and pain.

MY Life
I hope everyone had a great weekend filled with training and good times.  I was happy to take my riding indoors this week after a freezing 30 degree ride on Saturday.  I know people say that we must be crazy to ride and or run in temperature's like that.  I like to think that as long as i can bear it and i am dressed properlyy in the future during a race i can look back on the cold, wet and freezing days and push through the race I'm having.  We all  come from a place of hard work and dedication.  Winter is here and the off season is over.  my old coach Andrew Johnston once said to me on a day it was raining and i was hesitant on a run.  He said "Eddy, if the mailman can deliver mail in the rain,sleet and snow, you can train in it"  Boy was he ever so right..i always think of that on foul weather days, in fact i love the bad weather days even more some times. 

Speaking of cold weather training days, i know of a great run group that meets every Wednesday's in front of lulu lemon at 6:30pm for a run club.  They are an awesome group of runners that vary from beginners to veteran's.  There is a place for any athlete with them.  I had the pleasure of meeting this group in the summer and since then I have been hooked and they have become my run family.  if your in the area and looking for a great group of people to run with then check them out.  West Midtown Run Club.  While your there step inside the store as well, there is something for everyone in there.  Like i said its cold out, so layer up properly with some of the awesome clothes they got.  

My goal for this week:  Stay healthy and hide from the flu and cough that is getting all my freinds around me.. BEWARE the BUG..

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