Monday, January 14, 2013

2013 Goals

I don't know how I could have started this whole thing and not have shared my goals with you.  I mean the whole point of this "share" right?!  Okay lets see. Last year ended on a very high note for me with IRONMAN Florida in November.  Last year was the "year I pushed my own limits" I named it that year because I was so new to the sport of triathlon with only less then 5 triathlons under my belt.  So, here comes 2012 and I decided I was going to do a full ironman.  Well I knew that if I was going to do that race and race it well I was going to have to dedicate myself and the year to hence "pushing the limit"  so I did..i raced hard and trained even harder completing 10 triathlons last year, including my Full ironman.  We all have to have goals set, especially when it comes to things we love.  the goals can be any size, big or small.  achieving those big and small goals make a difference.  they make us want to push it harder the next next.  the best part of the journey in achieving goals we start to find and learn so much about our own abilities that we start to really listen to what our mind and body are telling us.  This is where I start to take mental notes.. 2013 here I am, I had a strong year prior with all the races and training.  Now this is where I start to open my mental notebook and decide what im going to do. First things first, I name my year and for 2013 I am calling it the "year of firsts"  now that doesn't mean I plan to place first in age groups or be first in line for anything.  It means that I am going to start trying new things out, especially when it pertains to the sport I love.  It doesn't mean I am selfish or anything, just means that I want to have a more hands on approach to the sport of triathlons.  I'm reading a lot more about heart rate monitor training, power meter training and other random books and articles I can get a hold of.  2013 is looking bright already for me.  The training is going well, my friends are getting back into the groove of things and I love it.  Something about the beginning of season that gets me excited to see my friends all ready to swim, bike and run with me.  that feeling you get when you just did a hard swim and your on the edge of the pool deck with your head down on your arms breathing heavy, and my favorite after a nice good long run the feeling of nice cold ice bath and compression clothes. 

1 comment:

  1. Edwin -My name is Kenrick Smith. I am a fellow triathlete (you can find me at and I wanted to reach out to you and invite you to become a contributor on a new website I am starting-The Bruised Banana. I checked out your website and loved the 2013 goals post. Congrats on your Ironman Florida 2012 race. Our website was started so that all of us as triathletes would have a central hub to share our websites, blogs, race reports so that we could support each other and learn from one another. I've always enjoyed reading others race reports and wanted to centralize them so that if someone wanted to look up a certain race they were planning on doing they could look and see what others had to say and what their experience was. I also thought it would be wonderful to have a platform for triathletes to share their blogs, sponsors, etc. If you would be interested in contributing that would be great! Most of my contributors just give us permission to utilize their race reports directly from their blogs. For my own and for our current contributors, I just copy and paste the content and then post it on the bruised banana and then I put a link to your blog so that our readers can check out further reports of yours and what your blog/website offers (you can also email the race reports in a Microsoft Word document). It's really low-maintenance for the contributors, you can just email us when you have a new race report that you would like uploaded to the site and we handle the rest. If you have a race report from Ironman Florida it would be great to have you as a contributor for that race on our site. We are currently working on uploading triathlon race reports and hope to expand it to running races in the future. Best of luck with your 2013 season! You can reach us at if you have any questions!
    Kenrick Smith
