Thursday, January 3, 2013

I had a plan today..i promise?!

So...I decided to give Spin class a shot this morning because honestly i was just too lazy to mess with my bike last night and get it ready for the trainer.  I want to start out by saying its so good to be back in the training regiment again.  I really started to feel yesterdays training session from the in the evening while i was at work.

 My body has quickly realized that i am no longer eating for pleasure anymore.  It started with it small growls and small rumbles to let me know that it was on empty many times last night and i had to quickly manage with small snacks (ie;mixed nuts and dried fruit).  These feelings are all to familiar  from last season when i began training.  Getting a proper Diet plan is that hardest part to training for a triathlon.  its true what they say about the 80/20 rule of diet to exercising.
So i opted for the pancakes today...okay not so tall, but was wishful thinking after the workout i had today.  Like i said, training appetite is going to be the hardest part during routines and racing.

So where was i? before i let my stomach get the best of me and talk about food.  Oh, ya right i was going to tell you about my epic spin class.  So i get there 15 after thinking i was the late one to the class.  it appeared the class had not eve started yet and everyone was still warming up as the instructor played with her music selections.  Let me remind you I have not been on a bike since November 3, 2012. that is the date of my ironman race, so i was a little rusty.  i has scheduled myself for an hour of spin, with some interval training in the mix.  i wanted to warm up in zone 2 (low heart rate) then after that jump up into some zone 4 for about 15min. then back down and so fourth.  THAT was my PLAN..that all soon changed when the first song hit the track. 

A real quick background to me before i continue matter if I'm on the treadmill or on the bike trainer in a group..I am racing against you!, you may not know it, but i am.  I told a friend last night i couldn't join there spin class because i felt that it was maybe to much for me on my first day back.  i wanna say now, I'm sorry friend.. I failed, today in my class i competed. It all happened so quickly..the music was bumping the beats were good, my legs were spinning i was set at a 10 on the level...then BOOM she got us out of the saddle and off the races i was..I'm going to say the rest was a blur..i tried to think to myself during all this."eddy its your first day back just hang in there and don't burn out." I will say this..she was a really good instructor, she was loud, motivating and had a really awesome music selection.  it ain't a good class if you cant bounce your cadence off of the rhythm of the music..that's when it happened she had us in the bars sprawled out in the extended position doing this move she calls the "blackout"  its where you just go all out to where you blank out the screen..WHAT was i thinking...this was a chance for me to take my advice and just spin it out...I blanked that screen out as fast as my little legs could spin..that's when i knew that i took this class way to seriously today.

End result of all that spinning, sweating, teeth gritting was worth it.  I left feeling Really good about myself in that class today.  I went into that class with a medium expectation of myself and left with a smile and great confidence in myself.. We all think about have an idea in our head how we want our next workout to go.  If it doesn't work out that way, then its okay just try your best and give it all you got..

I'm still on Track towards my first Triathlon race of the Season March 23, 2013. these are just beginning moans which i know will change into success stories soon.  I know we all go through them and its always easier when we know that were not alone feeling that way

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