Tuesday, January 22, 2013

MLK5k race

I am going to start off with a recap of my 5k race yesterday.  I decided to sign up for a race called the MLK5k race here in my city of Atlanta also hosted by the RunningNerds.  What better way to start celebrate a day then with a race.  Its been months since I did any speed work in a race so I figured this would be a good start for the year. 

The race morning temps were in the low 40's, but the sun was out so it helped some.  The start of the race was inside Piedmont Park.  This race was slated to start out with a little bit of cross country style running with about a quarter mile run through the park up a hill before you hit the pavement.  the park has a good layout with lots of small rolling inclines and descends which keep you busy.  the crowd thinned out fast as we all made our way to mile 1.  typical race malfunction for me began when I looked at my watch during the first mile.  I lost GPS and was just running on time, this is where I needed to pay attention to my first mile and see what time I was at and then do the math for my splits.  the volunteers on the course were great and what was even cooler was the drum lines that had been set up along the course from the local schools playing as you ran.  Nothing better then some good beats to help you charge up a hill. 

The race ended smoothly with another run into the park and down a slope to the finish line. the crowds were cheering the drum lines were still playing.  I was happy to make it out to that race this year and finish with a decent time of 20:57.  Not bad for returning back to speed work.  the race was very well organized and its getting bigger every year from what I hear.  the expo for race packet pick up and post race was even better.  Most importantly was the T-shirt at the end, which is always a race bonus for me.

Recovering right with Muscle milk. (notice the great bed head to race look)
This is one more race and training day closer to my first race of the season in March.  I am  really looking forward to racing HITS Triathlon down in Ocala, Florida. The race is an Olympic distance race so these short 5k races will definitely help with my speed work.

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