Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year Everyone and welcome to 2013

  Hey everyone!,  Well its official 2013 has officially begun for me.  It actually should have started yesterday with a 10k resolutions race, but rain and a long new years evening had other plans for me.  BUT anyways that's the PAST right! Good well its 2013 now and my day started with some excitement.. i can actually say i didn't sleep great, one of those look at the clocks kinda nights.  I think the anticipation of today's first session had me in nerves.  Hardest part about the first day back is morning fueling process.  Breakfast is the most important part, so before my workout i have to re-train my body to eat just enough to sustain the work out with out feeling sick.  So today i started off with a Banana, yogurt cup and a cliff crunch bar..I'm not gonna say it did the trick but for the first day back it worked well.  Once you get your body into a good 24hr eating rhythm you will be fine.
 Today's work out was a little different then the one i posted sorry guys.  I cant yet get into the water since my most recent tattoo, but i did get a good 25min run at an 8:30-8:44mile pace in.  I'm not gonna say that i felt like peaches and cream during my run.  Since IRONMAN back in November i have have done very little training and trying to rehab a knee injury, i sustained during the marathon portion of the race.  My point is, that i am starting from scratch and im okay with that.  I know its going to take some time and lots of aches and pains to get back where i once was.  Once i finished the run I then hit some weights, I tried to gear my weight training toward swimming specific muscle and range of movements to make up for the swim workout.

 I will say that getting back into the swing of things can be a little mentally overwhelming. but you just gotta look at the big picture of things and remember that the beginning is the adaptation phase..just focus on form and the rest will follow...Day one complete and I'm happy to be back into the swing of things..thank you all for letting me share this journey and following me into it all..

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