Friday, January 11, 2013

Some of this and Some of That...

Its just now been 4 weeks since my Ironman Florida Tattoo and I'm going through some serious withdrawals.  I was really hoping to get into the pool today and start my swim training portion of my triathlon season.  Rules are rules right? They advise you to wait 4-6 weeks before getting into a pool for proper healing.  I settled for a quick 3mile run for the cardio and some at home yoga/stretching for swimmers.  Yes, they have yoga and other forms of stretching for that, just look it up on YouTube under yoga/stretching for swimmers.  So that's basically what I have resorted to in the meantime to keep my core strong, shoulders loose and body ready for the water.  I throw in some light weight training as well for my upper body muscles to compensate for the water training.

Energy – An Unappreciated Key to Leadership
I came across this great article yesterday on leadership and its qualities and it definitely made me think about the importance of qualities in a leader.  The article centers on Energy from a person being the main attraction in a leader. I really thought the article made some good valid points.  I think in the fitness world of triathletes, runners and other fitness members, we look for guidance and help.  That guidance and help can come in all different forms, like coaching and just plain ole peer to peer mentoring.  take a read and you see what your take on it is

okay so its Friday and I'm sure your ready to get on with your day and move on.  I just want to say that I tried those veggie wraps that I posted the other day.  I will say this, nothing really comes out as good as the picture, but I tried and I was happy with my attempt.  The Kiwi on a stick is next! =) 
I want to leave you with my next attempt at something I've been dying to try and that is.

                                                High-Protein Breakfast Smoothies
High-Protein Breakfast Smoothies
Big Question is?  What are your training plans for the Weekend.. I have 2 full days of Biking on my Training schedule.  my Goal for the weekend is just over 3 hours of total biking.  its still early so the mileage is being tacked on slowly.

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