Friday, January 4, 2013

TGIF people

TGIF my Friends and what a glorious start to my day so far.  Today was my day off from work, so rolling out of bed early for a 30 min run was not easy.  I had that thought in the back of my  head that kept saying "sleep in some more, you have all day".  Truth is i almost listened too!, but with the sun looking so bright and the thought of a nice cold brisk run.  It just got me up and ready.. I like to think of the the positive sides of getting a early work out in.
  1. Worth the Breakfast
  2. Extra energy throughout the day
  3. you can relax in the evening
  4. you look like a bad ass to your co workers when they know you were working out while they were sleeping.
  5. you have an excuse for not making coffee in the morning to your significant other.."what i was out training" 
  6. The list is endless, but I'm sure that we all have our "valid" reasons to work out early and or later.
The weather  was a brisk 32 deg today and i knew it was going to be a chill-fest.  No worries, crazy triathletes layer heavy on top and still run in shorts! well at least i know i do.  on the plus side i was excited to wear my skins Compression socks to make up for the lack of lower body clothing.
I have several pairs of the calf sleeves but i wanted to try my hand at these.  I will say that i had great success in these today.  they were a great deterrent from the elements as well as compression and comfort that i was looking for during my run.  I was never an athlete who leaned toward the full sock and calf compression but i will say that during this winter and for recovery i am sold on these. Anyways that is my plug/review on them, but no seriously i really enjoyed them on my run.  i kept my run to 30 min today as planned.  I have a nice out and back run i do in the city where i live.  i  only have to challenge on big hill and its within the first mile too! i pushed my engine as steady as i could to a nice 8min pace. I was shooting to avg 7:44 for 30 min.      I was feeling really good, the cold air always makes me wanna push it harder for some reason but i kept a steady on my watch and kept the pace.  I was always a bad pace runner, many of my Friends can attest to that too.   today i was all over my watch, making sure i didn't blow my goal.  Fast forwarding through my run to the End it was a success i didn't quite hit my mark of 7:44, but i did land myself a nice 7:47 for final avg.  I was happy.  Besides i can blame the truck who instead of waiting for me to pass,  decided to cut me off and turn into my path.  I made it home in time for my watch to say low battery and powering down.. Guess i have to get back into the routine of battery charging my run watch at night.

Today was another breakthrough for me on my road back to triathlon training.  I really appreciate the nights before bed, where i know that I'm going to have to push myself in the morning to do something as important as training.  We have those days where we have time off or more time in the day, so we postpone our training. Just got to find that motivating force inside you that pushes you all the time.  It can be a word Mantra, pictures, posters or even a simple text from a freind. I get alot of my motivation from those places, but sometimes watching my freinds on facebook or reading their daily motivating blogs does it for me ALOT.  So i ask, whats your motivataion?

 DAY 3 in the books for me...I'm looking forward to a full weekend of biking and running..I'm excited about using my new booties for my bike cleats.  the temperature has dropped so with the wind chill, its going to be some cold feet.  Have a great weekend everyone and i hope to hear about your training endeavours.

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