Monday, February 11, 2013

Change of Scenery does the body good

The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen It's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.
-Abraham Lincoln

Six weeks out from my seasons first race.  I have had that on my mind a lot lately. Yesterday I ran in the trails with my friend for about 10 miles and it felt great.  People tend to over look the many benefits of cross training and incorporating trail running into their training.  I know many people don't have the luxury of an area where they can go off road either.

 I highly suggest taking the time at least once a week or more to get out there and try it. It's really good on the joints and bones to give the pavement pounding a break and hit the soft soils. I wore my New Montrail shoes yesterday, its about the second time I have worn them on the trails.  The jury is still out on them right now with my decision if I am going to use them at "Thrill on the Hills Marathon/half Marathon" February 23rd.  Its my second pair of Trail shoes from this maker and I was hoping that with the lighter weight from the older 10.5/11.0oz ones these 9oz would be different.

Benefits of Trail Running

So that's my Take on Trail running.. I think we all need a change of Scenery some time.

6 weeks and counting and already feeling this mornings Swim workout which consisted of:
300 warm up
6X50's on 20 sec rest
2X500's Pull on 30 sec
200 cool down =1800 meters

Shooting for the high intensity swims for the shorter courses this year. Its such a big change of pace from the long course training I did last year.  I'm getting used to the workouts but learning that shorter courses doesn't mean less training.  I was warned that short course training was going to be intense too.  Its all about the challenges we set for ourselves and the goals we want to achieve.  I have set mine and I am out to achieve them.

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